Sunday, February 21, 2010

WWJD? Pt. 1

That's a good question. What would Jesus do? Well, from the gospels, Mark, Matthew, etc. we know some of the things he DID do.

Cody Bonnette said once in an interview, "Jesus didn’t run around saying, “I am Christian, this is Christian, this is Christian, this is not Christian.” He just went around and he was Jesus. And later on we were like, “Okay, well this is Jesus, and he only does these things.” And we don’t know that. No one knows that. Know one knows “what would Jesus do?” because he always did things differently."

In order to be Christ-like, we need to look at things from a different perspective. A loving perspective. Something that always helps me is putting myself in another persons shoes for a minute, to think what it would be like to be them.

For a long time I would see somebody, and if they looked different, or wore weird clothes or something, I would just make fun of them. I would do it just to keep others thinking, "Yeah, that guys cool." What is cool? What does that even mean?

What, in your opinion, is cool?

I don't mean what do others think it takes to be cool. I mean: What do you like to see people doing that gives you respect for them?

1 comment:

  1. There's more to come on this, I should have a chance to write it before Wednesday.
