Saturday, November 21, 2009

Letting Go Pt. 2

Okay, so, maybe getting my hair cut wasn't that bad, but the biggest thing was that I looked in the mirror and saw someone I hadn't seen for a very long time. All the weight my hair had carried, all the sorrow it had seen, every tear it had soaked up, was now gone. I was new.

I had grown more attached to my past than I had even realized, and the only way I could let it go was by force. I didn't even realize I was so attached to it. Tethered to everything I had grown tired of. More than just my hair.

Romans 12:1 tells us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, acceptable and holy, to God. I'm not saying I had to cut my hair to make my body acceptable to God, but my mind was in no state to present myself to God.

I don't believe that this body is acceptable to God, that's why we leave it at death and receive our glorified, heavenly bodies. He created my body, and I shamed it. I only wish to hide this body, so that all the scars, physical and non-physical, will not be shown. That is why I sacrifice my body to God, so that He may dispose of it, and I can live, and walk with Him in Heaven. I offer my body to God so He can do what He wills with it.

So, I present a challenge to you. Cut off whatever ties you have with sin. Instead of praying for what you want, pray for God to use you how He wants. God will provide for you everything you need, and bless you with some things as well.

I remember my prayer of salvation, I asked God to make His presence known in my life, and to speak to me. God responded by basically saying, "My presence has been obvious in your life! I have been speaking to you! You haven't listened until now! I've tried to use you, but instead you turn away!"

I think God must get tired of "Christmas list" prayers. "Tonight, God, I want this, and this, and this, and this!" What happened to God's will for us? He's God, not a magical fairy. He doesn't just make all our wishes come true, it's all about His will for us!

Let go of what you want and embrace what He wants for you.


P.S. I might post a before and after picture of my hair.

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